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- Kazakhstan 哈萨克斯坦旅游系列 – 引言
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Kazakhstan 哈萨克斯坦旅游系列 – 引言
作者:小编 来源于:
Charyn Canyon Charyn 峡谷
As the ninth largest country in the world, Kazakhstan is full of plenty to explore. Much of the country is covered in vast steppe, broken by mountains, forests, lakes, and cities. The geographical size and diversity of the country, plus relatively well-developed infrastructure, means that tourism in Kazakhstan is growing and expanding. Any trip to Kazakhstan is an opportunity to explore this beautiful country and all its unexpected destinations.
It would be easy to make a trip to Kazakhstan that just stayed in the big cities. Almaty is the historical capital and the biggest city, full of tree-lined streets, cute cafes, and beautiful museums. Astana is the modern capital, where buildings were designed by international architects and the streets are wide and clean. Almaty and Astana are global cities, where it’s easy to find world-class dining, accommodations, and entertainment.
Kazakhstan also has a rich culture and history, from spiritual leaders to artisans and performers. Alongside modern concert halls and international-level performers are traditional musicians, keeping alive generations of songs and poems. Applied arts are still popular for decorating houses and yurts, while museums hold some of the finest examples of workmanship by Kazakh artists.
Kazakh nomads have always lived in harmony with nature, so the many natural sights and attractions are important in Kazakhstan. From ancient days, when people were leaving drawings on the rocks in Tamgaly, to the modern day, where there are vast nature reserves across the country. Whether you want to head out on a short hike, a quick picnic, or a longer trek through the mountains or steppes, there’s no shortage of beautiful places.
Baikonur is a truly unique experience - there are few places where you can see a rocket launch for yourself. Baikonur is the largest space launch facility in the world, and the only place currently launching manned flights to the International Space Station. You’ll tour the facility, learn about the history of spaceflight at the museums and memorials, and then witness a rocket launch - a truly unforgettable experience.
From the openness of the steppes to the hustle of the big cities, Kazakhstan has plenty to explore. No matter what your interests are, or your reasons for visiting Kazakhstan, you’ll be sure to find a tour to fit you and take you to new places beyond your imagination.